Friday, July 22, 2011

Worship in the Son

We were worshiping in the kitchen last week on our morning off when we noticed that we had a little visiter that wanted to join us. Actually, as you can see in the video he had already joined us. Thank You daddy for the children.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Abba's Love

Jesus refered to God in such a revolutionary way that it would forever change not only how we approach Him but also how we relate to Him.  

With one word the religious leaders of the time were sent into a tailspin of religious furry, outraged at the idea of God being our Abba. In that moment, with one word, Jesus not only revealed who God is to Him but also who who God is to us, our Father.  We are no longer slaves under the law but Sons under grace.

The idea of relating to God as a Father has become not just a stumbling block for religious pharisee's but also for those who through the events of life have remained in an orphan mentality.  Every human being is born into the world with parents but many never walk or live as sons and daughters because their parents never knew what it meant to be fathers and mothers.  Bad experiences create bad memories which become the basis on which we then define what a father is or is not in our lives. As a result of this our view of God as a Father becomes a negative and not a positive and thus true sonship is never walked out.

One of the main roles and responsibilities of a Father is that a father defines with His words who His children are and with that, who He is. How does one deal with an established false identity of God, who is a good, true Father, when all of their experiences of fathers in their lives have been negative?
Firstly we must ask Holy Spirit to come and heal our hearts of all of the wounds that we have and establish a ground of forgiveness towards our fathers and mothers as well as ourselves.
Secondly we must fill our hearts with the truth of who and what a true Father is.
And thirdly, allow our heavenly Father to properly define us, His children. Having a correct understanding of what a Father is, and what our heavenly Father is, releases us to receive from Him and identify with Him.

Each of us are Abba's child. We are loved, perfect and beautiful in His eyes. He not only loves us but enjoys us and is delighted to call us Sons and Daughters.

He delights to call us Abba's child.