I have been pondering the last couple of days what it means to be courageous. Simple enough question, right? You would think that there would be a simple enough answer. The question of courage is a subject that carries a weight and depth that in my own life, up until now, has been unexplored. If you would ask me if I were courageous, I would stand up, look you in the eyes and say a most definite "I think so". At the very depth of all of us there is something that wants to say "yes, I am courageous" but not 100% sure.
This whole thought process about courage was stirred up in me by a quote from Kris Vallotton. He said, "You can always tell the size of a man by the size of the problem it takes to discourage him". The word that stood out to me in this quote was 'dis-courage'. Discouragement is the result of courage coming up against opposition and losing. I began to examine my own life to find myself easily discouraged in different areas. In other words I began to examine areas in my own life that lacked courage.
I feel that my own personal view of courage, over the years of growing up until now, where molded and shaped by a hollywood heroic movie character that was never afraid of anything. I have never been so wrong. Courage is not the absence of fear but the ability to confront fear (and pain, danger, uncertainty, intimidation...) and stomp on over it. 4 times in the first chapter alone of the book of Joshua God speaks to Joshua and tells him to be courageous! Why? In Joshua 1:9 the Lord says to Joshua, "Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest." BE NOT AFRAID, NEITHER BE THOU DISMAYED. God was en-COURAGING Joshua in the face of fear to rise above what he was afraid of and press on, in courage. Courage is found in the word encourage. God was encouraging Joshua and the word encourage means 'to inspire with courage, spirit or confidence'.
Throughout time there have been countless historic figures that displayed lives of courage. In our house the walls are littered with pictures, posters and speeches of courageous men and women from the past. I never realized why I collected them or why I was drawn to them until recently. They were people who transcended the caste system of society. They were not perfect, dressed right or talked right. They felt fear, opposition and pain. They were Courageous.
We have been fooled into believing that courage is an easy road without fear or opposition. But the irony of it all is that without fear, opposition, pain, danger, uncertainty, intimidation etc. then there can be no courage, for courage is the very ability to face those things that face you and win. Never forget that God did not ask Joshua to be courageous, He commanded it. Let us take hold of our sling and stones and not just face our giants but RUN AT THEM!
This whole thought process about courage was stirred up in me by a quote from Kris Vallotton. He said, "You can always tell the size of a man by the size of the problem it takes to discourage him". The word that stood out to me in this quote was 'dis-courage'. Discouragement is the result of courage coming up against opposition and losing. I began to examine my own life to find myself easily discouraged in different areas. In other words I began to examine areas in my own life that lacked courage.
I feel that my own personal view of courage, over the years of growing up until now, where molded and shaped by a hollywood heroic movie character that was never afraid of anything. I have never been so wrong. Courage is not the absence of fear but the ability to confront fear (and pain, danger, uncertainty, intimidation...) and stomp on over it. 4 times in the first chapter alone of the book of Joshua God speaks to Joshua and tells him to be courageous! Why? In Joshua 1:9 the Lord says to Joshua, "Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest." BE NOT AFRAID, NEITHER BE THOU DISMAYED. God was en-COURAGING Joshua in the face of fear to rise above what he was afraid of and press on, in courage. Courage is found in the word encourage. God was encouraging Joshua and the word encourage means 'to inspire with courage, spirit or confidence'.
Throughout time there have been countless historic figures that displayed lives of courage. In our house the walls are littered with pictures, posters and speeches of courageous men and women from the past. I never realized why I collected them or why I was drawn to them until recently. They were people who transcended the caste system of society. They were not perfect, dressed right or talked right. They felt fear, opposition and pain. They were Courageous.
We have been fooled into believing that courage is an easy road without fear or opposition. But the irony of it all is that without fear, opposition, pain, danger, uncertainty, intimidation etc. then there can be no courage, for courage is the very ability to face those things that face you and win. Never forget that God did not ask Joshua to be courageous, He commanded it. Let us take hold of our sling and stones and not just face our giants but RUN AT THEM!