Monday, July 8, 2013

Camp Fresh Wind

We just wanted to give a heads up that we will be speaking at 'Camp Fresh Wind' at the end of July / beginning of August.  We feel so blessed to be sent by our heavenly daddy to amazing places and amazing people to see his kingdom come.  

If you are a youth grade 7-12, check out this link

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Solemn Promise

To vow is something quite concrete. To boil the definition down it means a solemn promise, something not to be taken lightly but rather a well thought out commitment. Something that is intended to withstand the tests of time regardless of how many things are changing day by day. For our anniversary and in light of so many weddings and engagements Luke and I have decided to share our wedding vows with you. Whether you are in a relationship or not I believe these words can be a reminder of how we wish to live our lives, the intention that we sometimes loose sight of some days. We hope you enjoy them as much a we do. 

I promise to create an atmosphere in our house to believe and to foster the anointing in your life, in our life and not control it.

I promise to never accept the man made stereotypes placed on marriage but to pursue you every day with a fervency fueled by true love.

I promise to love you, as the Father intended.  To place your life above my own.

I promise to always respect and honor you.  That I would be quick to listen, slow to speak.

I promise to always protect you and keep you safe, naturally and spiritually.

I promise to speak life and not death.  That the words of my mouth may build up and not tear down.

I promise to enjoy every moment with you and appreciate it for the blessing that it is.  To rejoice with thanksgiving for every new day spent together.

I promise to cultivate the gifts that the Father has placed in you.  To not only praise and boast of those gifts, but to encourage you in the will of God for those gifts.

I promise to always pick you up when you are down and to reach out to your hand when I am.  To be a walking example of Ecclesiastes 4, two are better then one.

I promise to walk worthy of the calling of the Lord on our lives.  That we would live and walk being set apart for Him.

I promise to walk in whatever ministries the Lord has for us hand in hand, together.  To never get ahead of one another and to never value ministry above each other. 

I promise to always kiss you hello and goodbye and everything in between.  That every kiss may not be out of duty or routine, but of purpose.

I promise to be the head of the house as Christ is the head of the church.  Who loved the church and laid down his life for her.

I promise to always guard my heart from offences.  And if ever I am offended I promise to always be quick to offer and receive forgiveness.

I promise that God will always be number 1 our life.  That we would not only walk in the  light of His salvation but also in the goodness of His Lordship

True Love is not an emotion and it is not a feeling.  True love is not a kiss and it is not a hug.  It is not shaken by the winds of time.  True love does not grow old, though our body’s may.  It is steady and constant.  True love is a choice that is made every second of every day.  It is the decision of the heart to pursue you with reckless abandon no matter feeling or circumstances.  When times seem right or when times seem wrong, I promise I will always love you.  When I feel and when I don’t feel, I promise I will always love you.  When years go by and we grow old, I promise I will always love you.  

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Story Of A Prophesy Given In 1930

Story of a prophesy given in 1930 – Bob Jones Birth year.
Several years ago I was in Wales. I was doing an Elijah list conference. After the conference I went to North Wales, to visit an old friend, Arthur Burt. Arthur has been in the ministry for about 85 years. He was part of a tremendous revival years ago around the 1930's.
When I came back to the U.S. I called Bob Jones to see if he had any word for Wales. He said, "No, but I have a word for an old man in Wales and you were just in his house." "That must be Arthur Burt," I said as that was the only older man whose house I had been in. Bob didn’t know who Arthur Burt was at that time.
"What’s the word?" I asked. "Tell him, he will see the word," Bob said.
"He will see what word?" I asked.
"Bob said " I don’t know, you will have to ask him what word he received. He received it years ago. It was given to a group of people and they are all dead now except for him. But tell him he will see it."
So of course I called Arthur Burt in Wales. Had a conversation like this:
"Arthur, this is Kathie Walters. Did you receive a word years ago among a group of people and you are waiting to see it?"
"Yes, we did receive a word." "Good," I said, "What was the word?"
Arthur replied "They are all dead now, the people in that group, I am the only one left."
"Yes, I know Arthur; what was the word?" I asked again
"I can hear it now like it was then. I keep it in my pocket you know" Arthur said.
"ARTHUR, WHAT WAS THE WORD?" I practically yelled at him then.
This is the word that he read to me over the phone: remember that the promise to Arthur was that he would see this revival before he died. He is now 97 [in early 2009].
GIVEN TO A GROUP (Arthur Burt was a part of this group) 1930 - Bob's Jones birth year!


Bob Jones, speaking at a conference in 2009 [and again in 2011], said the FLOODS are movements of the Lord, the Torrents have to do with the end time revival of a BILLION people which the Lord told Bob about in 1975.

A Torrent is a river in extreme flood that cannot be stopped. The parallel of a word being given to a man who is very old, who is told he won't die before the word comes to pass is the story of Simeon in the gospel of Luke, chapter 2.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

If I Had My Life To Live Over Again

"I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded.  I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains.  I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn't show soil or was guaranteed to last a lifetime.  When my child kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, "Later.  Now get washed up for dinner."  There would have been more I love yous, more I'm sorrys, but mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute, look at it and really see it, live it, and never give it back."

-Erma Bombeck [from a column written called, 'If I Had My Life to Live Over Again']

The Ragamuffin Gospel

Thursday, April 25, 2013


This morning as I was reading Hebrews, it was as if God poked me with a revelation that He had shown me while in Africa almost 2 years ago.  The fun thing about it was that it was just as fresh this morning when it hit me as it was then.  You would think that 2 years later this bread might be a little stale but it was as if it just came out of the oven, warm, soft and tasty.  

There was a grocery store here in Canada called Dominion which had the slogan, "We're Fresh Obsessed".  I can't forget the day when I drove by that grocery store, saw the slogan and heard my heavenly daddy speak that very slogan to me, "Son, I'm Fresh Obsessed".  When we bake fresh bread here on earth it can only stay fresh for a short amount of time due to drying out.  But the bread of heaven is God, He is the Word and it never dries out and the word He spoke thousands of years ago is just as fresh today as it was then.  

Hebrews 1:4 says, 'Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they'.  First off, if we go back a few verses we quickly learn that this verse is speaking of Jesus and telling us that He has by inheritance received a name that was more excellent than even the angels.  But this is the thing, the author sets us up with this verse and we know that it is speaking of Jesus but when he reveals this name it is not the name Jesus, it is the name SON.  Hebrews 1:5, 'For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee?  And again, I will be to him a Father and he shall be to me a Son?'  Jesus was made so much better than the angels and He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than the angels which is the name SON.  1 Peter 1:12 tells us that the Gospel was so good that the angels desired to look into it, why?  Because up until that moment God had no children (I think a 'selah' would be appropriate right about now).  The angels will never know what it will be like to be Sons of our Heavenly Daddy but they saw how awesome it was that they could not help but look into salvation and the fruit of it, Sonship.    

The next verse in Hebrews 1 is even more revealing, Hebrews 1:6, 'And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him'.  The word that brings this all together is the word "firstbegotten" which literally means "the first born".  Now if the word first born is used it doesn't take a biblical scholar to realize that that means there will be others that will follow.  There will be a second born and a third born and so on.  If we jump down a few verses we will see who those who follow the first born are.  Hebrews 1:14, "Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?"  HEIRS OF SALVATION.  An heir is someone who will obtain something through inheritance.  Jesus obtained the name of SON through inheritance, becoming the first born of many SONS who will receive this name through salvation by inheritance.  

The name Son is not just a name it is a relational stance.  It means that God is not just God but Father and that means I now relate to Him as a Father and He relates to me as a Son.  This totally changes everything and how we used to relate to God through the law in the old testament.  Think of the law as a father as well but one who keeps his children in line using rules and regulations without love or grace or mercy.  Do you know what we would call that in real life, a disfunctional parent.  The law was disfuntional, it was the very opposite of a Father Son relationship.  The radical result of the happy, too good to be true gospel is this, we were slaves but now we are Son's.

This is a revelation that is immune to becoming stale, ever remaining fresh and leaving us eternally satisfied because we have by inheritance obtained a new name, SONS.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Insight's On Prayer

The call to prayer is the Father's invitation to visit with Him. This is more than the consciousness of a great need that often drives us to intercession. It is the call of Love to come and Fellowship. It is really visiting with the Father.

Few of us have realized the fact that the Father's heart is hungry for the companionship of His children. His heart hunger is the reason for man and the reason for redemption, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son."

That love impells Him to call us to Prayer.

That call is the proof of our ability to stand in His presence. It is the proof of His making us righteous enough to stand in His presence without reproof or condemnation.

It means that we are ever welcome to the Throne Room.

How few of us have ever realized this.

It is sons visiting their Father.

It is children coming joyously into the presence of a Loving Parent.

He does not demand Faith of His Children. He doesn't say "Now if you believe" or "If you have faith" or "If you love me". He said that to the Jews, His servants, the men of the Broken Covenant, but He says to us "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." It is the Father's invitation to the Throne Room of Love.

E.W Kenyon - In His Presence

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Lessons From A Child

Becoming a mom has opened up a new realm for me.

When you are single you get to interact with God on a one on one basis. There is such beauty in that relationship, the adventures and the many lessons along the way. When Luke and I got married it opened up a new way for me to relate to God. For the first time I was able to experience and better understand the relationship of a bride to her groom. I was able to experience a new spectrum of Gods character and role in my life, his role as my beloved and mine as His spotless bride. I feel God designed these different stages in life in order for us to continually get a better grasp of His heart and get a better view of how He sees us and how He wants us to see ourselves.

Having Joah and becoming a parent has propelled me into yet another side of my relationship with my heavenly father. It seems I have gained a new perspective on how He relates to us and how I can or maybe should be relating to Him. Interacting with a newborn makes me realize how much my behavior  mimics that of my infant son. For example, when I am feeding Joah sometimes I will pause halfway through and burp him before he keeps eating. You would think I stole his lunch money on pizza day. The cries come instantly, without fail. Each time it would happen I thought, "I wonder how long it will take him to realize that more food is coming. Im not going to leave him hungry, he has no reason to be upset."His reaction prompts the feeling that he doesn't trust me to keep providing food. The Holy Spirit quickly nudges me to think of my reactions to God when circumstances arise, instead of continually trusting God to provide not only food but in every other area, too often I find myself reacting just like my son. With impatient tears.

Infants tend to respond to different feelings directly, if they are hungry they cry. There isn't any filter or rules for appropriate behavior at this point. Sometimes we are like that in our responses to different circumstances, we react with our emotions rather than filtering things through the Word of God first. Instead of reacting to feelings of loneliness or abandonment with tears or isolation we should look to the Word that says that He will never leave us or forsake us. Our response will look quite different. Another circumstance could be concerns with finances, instead of instantly getting stressed out and anxious we know He says that He will provide for all of our needs, we can choose to respond with trust and faith in Him.

Sometimes we are unable to comprehend the full picture or the grand scheme of things but I know we can save ourselves a lot of time and a lot of tears if we choose to trust that our heavenly father has more food coming. He can and will provide for all of our needs. His love for us is more immense than we will ever be able to comprehend, it is the most beautiful and treasured thing I could ever experience or possess. 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Toronto United Rally - Tonight

Tonight will be the first night of a series of rally's that will take place across the GTA.  We will be meeting together at The Embassy Church in Oshawa Ontario for a night of worship and prayer for our city.  There is something stirring, the clouds are forming, the smell of rain is in the air.   Revival lives in each and every one of us but sadly lays dormant in most of us.  When a people or a person say's 'YES' to God, encounters a revelation of who they are and how much God loves them and takes action then the revival that they carry is released.  The time has come, the time is now.

This event will be streamed live.  The link can be found on the home page of


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Toronto United Rally

February 1st will mark the first of a series of monthly rallies that will be held across the GTA. Rooted In Love Ministries, along with many others, will be partnering with Catalyst Ministries in these 'worship and prayer rallies'. We will be involved with leading one of the worship portions of the rally. 

Come and be involved in the change of a city, a province, a nation and the world.


Sunday, January 6, 2013

David Wagner - 2013 Prophetic Insights

(We copied and pasted this from our friend David Wagners page concerning 2013; You can check out his website at  

Happy New Year to all of our friends and family around the world! Over the next 5 days I will be posting some of the prophetic insights the Lord has been giving me concerning 2013. Here is the first little bit... Blessings! David

I hear the Holy Spirit saying:

“I AM awakening an army of end time worshippers and warriors who will usher in a Kingdom culture and mindset. The stage has been set as I have released the anticipation of heaven into the atmosphere of the earth and My church for the New Year ahead. Ambassadors of hope are being called to the forefront to advance My Kingdom.”

“Brace yourselves for the greatest days the earth and the church have ever seen. This is the season to hear bounce back and breakthrough to go beyond where you have ever been before. Be bold as I AM ready and able to bring to you all that I have promised.”

“This is the year that I desire My people to stay in a place of continual contact with My presence. Call on Me and I will answer you. Do all that I command you to do and you will see Me complete all that I have committed to do on your behalf. My Church is about to release the winds of change. You have been called to serve as conduit of continual love and power in the earth. I AM calling forth the courageous to come forth and cross over into unchartered territory. 2013 is a year where Kingdom Convictions must overrule personal comforts. Children have been chosen to release and lead an unprecedented revival and reformation in the year ahead.”

“Dreams that seemed like they have died are about to come back to life. This is going to be a year filled with defining moments. You are about to defy the odds and defeat the enemy like never before. I AM releasing a supernatural defense system that will destroy demonic dysfunction. Deny yourselves, delight in Me and I will give you the desires of your hearts. This is the year of deliverance and delivery. I AM setting people free and I AM delivering the title deeds to all of My promises.”

“Enter into 2013 with expectation. I AM expanding your territory as I eradicate the enemy from your midst.”