Saturday, May 28, 2011


We've been in Mozambique for just over one week now and it has been a wild ride. Our first trip to Mozambique began back in October of 2010 when we participated in Harvest School 13 with Iris Ministries as students. We never expected to be returning this soon but God knew better than we did. This time we are back as staff for the biggest missions school that Iris has ever had. The last school had around 150 students, this school will have around 260 students including many beautiful little children.

This last week was filled with lots of preparations, practical and spiritual. There is still so much to be done and students have already started arriving, but the Lord keeps speaking over and over again about our dependency on Him and how He has been preparing for this school long before we even realized it would happen. One of the leaders here keeps saying, if God could lead the children of Israel around the "Egyptian Outback" than I'm pretty sure he can take care of us. We were never created to be ruled by our circumstances but by the Word of God. Some see obstacles but others see miracle opportunities. The Word of God trumps our circumstances every time, if we would only believe that it is true.

Our dependency on God is directly linked to seeing the miraculous in the everyday. The children of Israel were led out of egypt by God to the wilderness, to a place that they had to depend on God. They were led to a place of dependency! When they were hungry he gave them manna, Angels food. As they walked, God made it so that their shoes would not wear out. He showed them where to walk with a cloud by day and a fire by night.

We are dependant on God not only for this school but for our everyday lives, believing that He will do what He said He would do and that He will provide for what He has called us to do. Why would we want to depend on anything else?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Voices Arise!

There is a very simple, yet profound, line in the movie "The Kings Speach" where the king admittantly cries out, "...BECAUSE I HAVE A VOICE!". This line keeps coming back to me over and over again because, in the movie, the kings speech therapist was not entirely trying to cure his stutter but to show the king that he had something to say. That he had a voice and when he would only believe in that voice then he could never be silenced, not by a people, a stutter or a war.

Throughout history we see a pattern of courageous men and women who let their voices be heard against injustices and religious persecution. They rose up with one voice saying, "we will not stay silenced!". I love how David put it in Psalm 45:1 when he said, " tongue is the pen of a ready writer". Could you imagine what would happen if we all not only had a revelation that we have a voice but if we believed in our voice? There are so many all around the world who have had their voices silenced by circumstances, fear and so on but God has given us the freedom to speak. We all have a voice and now is the time for the sons of the prophets to arise and speak out what the Spirit is truly saying.

Father I pray for a revelation of true sonship over your children and that we would no longer live in silence. We break all fear and isolation and release voices all over the globe.

You have a voice.
Arise and shine.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Heaven in Holland

The past week has been a beautiful time of heaven on earth. We were able to partner with Lighthouse Ministries at a conference in Holland enabling the youth to really experience the Fathers love and the presence of His spirit. We had such intimate times worshiping the Lord and allowing the Holy Spirit to minister to these sons and daughters of the King. These treasures were so hungry for more of the Lord and so open to the love of the Father, it really was amazing.

There was a real focus on intimacy with the Father and how He so desires relationship with each one of us. Some of the youth were so blessed and amazed that God wanted to talk to them personally and that they were able to hear His voice and sense His presence. On the Friday night the spirit of the Lord was so heavy in the room many were becoming filled with the Spirit, one young girl around 10 years old had a revelation from the Lord and was taken up into heaven. There were also others who experienced the healing power of God both physically and spiritually.

Thank you to everyone who stood with us in prayer during this time, we appreciate it immensely and can see the fruit of your support.
We have attached a small clip of spontaneous worship from one of the night sessions below. Our apologies for the quality.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Uncle Arthur

A couple years ago I sat down with Arthur Burt as he was passing through Florida. This video has been on our own computer, watched by ourselves many times but not yet shared with others. Arthur Burt is the last living preacher from the Welsh Revival. We pray that this video impacts your life as much, if not more, than it has ours.