There is a very simple, yet profound, line in the movie "The Kings Speach" where the king admittantly cries out, "...BECAUSE I HAVE A VOICE!". This line keeps coming back to me over and over again because, in the movie, the kings speech therapist was not entirely trying to cure his stutter but to show the king that he had something to say. That he had a voice and when he would only believe in that voice then he could never be silenced, not by a people, a stutter or a war.
Throughout history we see a pattern of courageous men and women who let their voices be heard against injustices and religious persecution. They rose up with one voice saying, "we will not stay silenced!". I love how David put it in Psalm 45:1 when he said, " tongue is the pen of a ready writer". Could you imagine what would happen if we all not only had a revelation that we have a voice but if we believed in our voice? There are so many all around the world who have had their voices silenced by circumstances, fear and so on but God has given us the freedom to speak. We all have a voice and now is the time for the sons of the prophets to arise and speak out what the Spirit is truly saying.
Father I pray for a revelation of true sonship over your children and that we would no longer live in silence. We break all fear and isolation and release voices all over the globe.
You have a voice.
Arise and shine.
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