Friday, June 17, 2011

The Beautiful Gospel

Jesus said that signs, wonders and miracles would follow those who believe. It's funny how we can make something that is so simple seem so complicated. The past two weekends have been filled with signs, wonders and miracles just like Daddy promised. Last weekend we had a conference in a place called Miezi where we packed out a large church with local people, pastors, harvest school students and many many children to worship in one accord. Throughout the course of the weekend Daddy manifested His love in many different ways. On one morning the kitchen was at least 1000 loaves of bread short, with no more bread to be found they blessed it and started serving it anyways. They were told to give one full loaf to every person and every person received their full loaf.

God multiplied the bread!

In a place of dependancy miracles break forth.

The same conference there was a young boy who had never walked before, who's name was Omar. After receiving prayer he took his first steps across the stage.

There was also a blind baby who's eyes were white until receiving prayer. Slowly the eyes turned from white to grey to brown and she looked at her mother for the first time.

Just yesterday a group of us prayed for lady that could not walk because of two club feet. As the group prayed we watched as her one leg grew 5 inches to match the other. Her calf muscle began to form and grow where there was only bone before.

All of these people did not just walk away with a miracle but with an encounter with the furious love of God.

"Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom" Luke 12:32

If what your living for isn't worth dying for, then are you really living? God has called us to greatness! To see great things and to experience things that are beyond anything that we could fathom. But to step into our destinies we must first count the cost. In Luke 14 Jesus calls us to count the cost first before we start to build. God has been showing us the costs to fully living for Him and fully walking in our destinies and though the costs may be many, the promised reward outweighs every time. We say YES to you Jesus every time! The mission field has often been romanticized like a hollywood movie. Legitimate, amazing, joyful stories are told (exactly what people want to hear) but we tend to not focus to much on the cost of it all. Stepping into the fullness of what God is calling us to, carries with it a cost of being away from family, friends and comforts. As we dive deeper into His plans and will for our lives we do so knowing that there are costs to be paid but also joys to be obtained. The price tag has not changed but is rarely paid in full if even at all. The price is not silver or gold or precious stones. God requires of us what mankind required of Him.....our lives. May we visit the bank accounts of our hearts and withdrawal every cent and lay it at the feet of the one who will reap back one hundred fold return. May the lamb that was slain receive the reward of His suffering.

"[But what of that?] For I consider that the sufferings of this present time (this present life) are not worth being compared with the glory that is about to be revealed to us and in us and for us and conferred on us!" Romans 8:18

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