Monday, June 11, 2012


God never ceases to amaze me, never.  You know those amazing God moments that you think can never be topped but then they get topped.  I feel like this is my life.  Every new day I wake up and step out the door into the Love of a Father that doesn't know how to love less.  At the peak of my amazement with this awesome Daddy is the fact that He cares about not only the big things in our life but also the little things.

My wife and I just recently purchased and moved into a house that was previously a rental house.  The house was in great condition and needed little work, with the exception of the yard and gardens.  2 weeks ago I decided that I wanted to get at those gardens and get them ready to be a thing of beauty.  The only thing is, is that plants aren't cheap and we didn't have a ton of money to go and buy plants.  With that in mind I did what any man would do, go ahead anyways and get the garden ready.  The end result was a beautifully edged garden with lots of dirt.  It was the most beautiful dirt I had ever seen.  But the next day the most amazing thing happened.  A friend of my wife's family called and asked if we wanted any plants because they are getting older and are getting rid of all their gardens because it is too much for them to take care of anymore.  We took a truck and dump trailer over to their house and filled them up with beautiful plants and planted them in our beautiful dirt and now we have a beautiful garden.  Simply Amazing.

A few days later my wife and I were on the phone with some spiritual parents and we were telling them what happened.  I told them, "All I had to do was get the garden ready", then it hit me.  God was not just blessing us with plants but teaching us something very special.  If we didn't have the garden ready then we would never have been able to receive the plants.  The whole thing sounds a lot like Noah's ark.  He was preparing for something that he could not yet see.  In fact he was preparing for something that had yet to been seen.  IT HAD NEVER RAINED BEFORE.  Noah's preparation was not an over night thing, it took years BUT if he had not taken those preparations then he would not have been ready for what was coming and he would have missed it.

Before Jesus could come, John the Baptist had to till the ground and prepare the way.  We also must till the ground in our lives and in whatever season we are in so that the ground will be good for the promises of the Spirit to grow.

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