Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Solemn Promise

To vow is something quite concrete. To boil the definition down it means a solemn promise, something not to be taken lightly but rather a well thought out commitment. Something that is intended to withstand the tests of time regardless of how many things are changing day by day. For our anniversary and in light of so many weddings and engagements Luke and I have decided to share our wedding vows with you. Whether you are in a relationship or not I believe these words can be a reminder of how we wish to live our lives, the intention that we sometimes loose sight of some days. We hope you enjoy them as much a we do. 

I promise to create an atmosphere in our house to believe and to foster the anointing in your life, in our life and not control it.

I promise to never accept the man made stereotypes placed on marriage but to pursue you every day with a fervency fueled by true love.

I promise to love you, as the Father intended.  To place your life above my own.

I promise to always respect and honor you.  That I would be quick to listen, slow to speak.

I promise to always protect you and keep you safe, naturally and spiritually.

I promise to speak life and not death.  That the words of my mouth may build up and not tear down.

I promise to enjoy every moment with you and appreciate it for the blessing that it is.  To rejoice with thanksgiving for every new day spent together.

I promise to cultivate the gifts that the Father has placed in you.  To not only praise and boast of those gifts, but to encourage you in the will of God for those gifts.

I promise to always pick you up when you are down and to reach out to your hand when I am.  To be a walking example of Ecclesiastes 4, two are better then one.

I promise to walk worthy of the calling of the Lord on our lives.  That we would live and walk being set apart for Him.

I promise to walk in whatever ministries the Lord has for us hand in hand, together.  To never get ahead of one another and to never value ministry above each other. 

I promise to always kiss you hello and goodbye and everything in between.  That every kiss may not be out of duty or routine, but of purpose.

I promise to be the head of the house as Christ is the head of the church.  Who loved the church and laid down his life for her.

I promise to always guard my heart from offences.  And if ever I am offended I promise to always be quick to offer and receive forgiveness.

I promise that God will always be number 1 our life.  That we would not only walk in the  light of His salvation but also in the goodness of His Lordship

True Love is not an emotion and it is not a feeling.  True love is not a kiss and it is not a hug.  It is not shaken by the winds of time.  True love does not grow old, though our body’s may.  It is steady and constant.  True love is a choice that is made every second of every day.  It is the decision of the heart to pursue you with reckless abandon no matter feeling or circumstances.  When times seem right or when times seem wrong, I promise I will always love you.  When I feel and when I don’t feel, I promise I will always love you.  When years go by and we grow old, I promise I will always love you.  

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. Love you both. Your love is such a shining example.
